Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Education Board Game GATE

Here is the Education board game I made with my friend. We won an award for it at the Mid South Undergraduate Research Conference: A link to how to play can be found here:

Friday, March 24, 2017



·        Intent: Build a simple, stylized calculator using Java that can perform arithmetic, conversions, and store the user’s history. This program was meant to show basic understandings of Object Oriented coding.

·        Scope: My job for this calculator was to program the math, conversions, and history functions for this calculator.

·        Input: The user clicks a number to add it to the text field, clicks arithmetic symbols to define which function to perform, and conversion buttons to change a number into a metric like feet or liters. If the history is clicked, a drop-down list appears showing all the past expressions performed and their results.

·        Output: with the  exception of the “Del” and “C” button, all buttons and their symbols appear in the text field or an error exception will appear in the text field. Clicking the “ =” will give the result of two numbers and the conversion buttons instantly gives the correct conversion of the number. “Del” removes one character from the text field and “C” clears the entire text field and any numbers previously in use.


·        Open both the “Main” and “Calculate” files in an IDE like Eclipse and copy and paste the code into two separate classes of the same names. Run the program until ready to quit.

      You can find my code here: 


Game Development Studio: Battle Cars

This is a game currently in progress for my Game Development Studio class. I can not provide video at the moment, but you can see pictures of the game.

The purpose of the game is to run around and destroy other cars! I've been working on Speed Racer car and implementing functions like dash, guns, and the ability to slow down time. More about the game is on the way with the more we know!

Flappy Bird - Remake


·        Intent:  This game was part of a workshop for students with interest in game development, with the goal being to teach them how to program simple games using Processing  -  a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. I designed Flappy Bird with the intent that many people attending the workshop may have little coding experienced, so I wanted the code to appear accessible without too much terminology or advance concepts. My workshop was a time limit of less than an hour, so the code was made with the idea that many people may have questions while we programmed together.

·        Scope: Create a functioning version of Flappy Bird with a jump mechanic,  game over screen, a score system, and replay.

·        Input: Left click to make the bird jump and left click again once the game is over to restart.

·        Output: when the player left clicks, the bird’s height increases.


·        To play this game the user needs to download Processing - and follow the instructions for the download on the website. Once Processing is running, copy and paste the code into a Processing file and click play.
·        The Code for the game can be found on my pastebin:


Education Game Build


·        Intent- The purpose of this game is to educate incoming college freshmen on the dangers and risks of contracting Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Players are to walk around the four surrounding areas, answer random questions, and participate in the locations while trying to avoid increasing their Risk (the circular gauge) and actively increasing their Esteem ( the yellow stars) and Satisfaction (the yellow bar) to not get a STD.

·        Scope:  My role for this part of the game was for the user to rest at one of the four locations for a few seconds, have a randomized question for that specific area pop-up, and then have the player exit the question. During the time in which the user is prompted with a question, the timer at the bottom of the screen must stop. Regardless of which of the four locations the player stands in, after a few seconds a randomized question for that specific location should prompt the user for a response, with the questions being recycled for that particular area so player’s learn which responses are dangerous.

·        Input: The developer can add questions and their effects on the player through Unity’s Inspector. All the player has to do is move into one of the grassy squares ( using WASD for movement) , stand in one of the four quadrants (they are all grassy planes), wait for the question, answer the question as many times as they want to and/or exit the question by clicking on the red box with the X on it, and repeat this if they wish.

·        Output: Time stops, the player cannot move while the question is active, and if the “X” button is clicked, time resumes and the player can move again. If they player clicks yes or know, either the player’s Esteem (if clicked twice), Satisfaction, or Risk changes.


·        Run the Build in the Educational Game folder. When asked about the game’s settings, make sure the game is set to “Window” mode so the user can quit the application when ready.
·        The four scripts are all involved with each other through inheritance, with the Game Manager serving as the source for many of the variables.

      The code for this functionality can be found here: 


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Atlantis - Global Game Jam 2017

#GGJ17 I made this game at global game jam. The player explores his/her city and tries to collect all three relics before time runs out.

I was the only programmer for this game, and while we did not get all the functions we wanted, we did get the map, timer, animations, water (the incoming flood), counter, and cutscenes to work.


Block Breaker

This is a simple game made in Unity where the player releases a ball into bricks to break them. The goal is to break all the bricks without losing 3 lives by going into the dead zone.