Meet Fiona
In the magical world of Eden where nature is revered, there existed five villages individually specializing in the five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. The six sense, intuition, has long been abandon after the destruction of its practitioners village. Cell, a fourteen year old orphan girl whit bright green hair, lives happily in the tropical village of Eyes with her sentient pet Fiona as she masters the power of sight. Acting as more than a home, Fiona is a magical Venus Flytrap that heals Cell by letting Cell sleep within her and protects Cell by warning off enemies with her glowing body and sharp teeth. Surviving on the planet's spiritual force alone, Fiona is Cell's best and only friend as they live happily together.
At least until the day the sky turned a dark gray. A terrible screeching sounded throughout the world and a portal of grayness ripped a hole through the moon. A tall woman draped in a black gown seeped through the portal and proclaimed herself as Mother Gray, " The god who would show all the bliss of emptiness". The strange and robotic creature sent a flash of gray across the villages, changing nearly everyone into metallic creatures. Mysteriously, Cell has lost her sight but is able to move around the world instinctively. Enraged at the atrocity Mother Gray has committed, Cell departs with Fiona to smite Mother Gray.
Fiona in her habit during the day.
Where Cell sleeps and where enemies are devoured
She glows at night (I used a black light and glow paint)
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